The VegStart Diet Tips Archives - The Beet Your down-to-earth guide to a plant-based life. Fri, 17 Dec 2021 17:01:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Beet’s Plant-Based Diet Expert Tip 1: Shop and Meal Prep in Advance Mon, 06 Jul 2020 19:00:48 +0000 On the first day on The Beet’s Plant-Based Diet,s you are so excited to get started, finally lose weight and keep it off. But before you hit go, it helps...

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On the first day on The Beet’s Plant-Based Diet,s you are so excited to get started, finally lose weight and keep it off. But before you hit go, it helps to do a little meal prep. It’s so much easier to succeed if you set yourself up in advance.

The easiest way for Is to meal prep on Sunday. Only focus on making your Monday through Wednesday lunches and dinners, since breakfasts and snacks you can make the same day.

For more on shopping and meal prepping, check out:

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The Beet’s Plant-Based Diet Expert Tip 2: Be Accountable, Sign Up With a Friend. Mon, 06 Jul 2020 18:00:56 +0000 Most diets fail, we know, but being held accountable to a partner or group can help you reach, and exceed, your goals, research shows. By being accountable to a partner or...

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Most diets fail, we know, but being held accountable to a partner or group can help you reach, and exceed, your goals, research shows. By being accountable to a partner or group, you raise the success of your diet and exercise program to over 95 percent, according to one study.

If no one is around as you embark on this healthy weight loss journey with you, join a community. The Beet’s Plant-Based Diet group lets you check-in, compare successes or struggles, and get support. So join The VegStart Diet FB group and we guarantee your success is in the bag.

For more ways to increase motivation and maximize your results check out:

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The Beet’s Plant-Based Diet Expert Tip 3: Supplement With Vitamins D3 and B12 Mon, 06 Jul 2020 17:00:10 +0000 This meal plan will provide you with a sufficient amount of nutrients, both macros and micros, which is awesome! Still, most people would benefit from taking both a vitamin D and...

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This meal plan will provide you with a sufficient amount of nutrients, both macros and micros, which is awesome! Still, most people would benefit from taking both a vitamin D and vitamin B12, since those are harder to get from diet alone. Vitamin B12 helps boost metabolic function and aid in the body’s ability to turn fatty acids into energy, so it can help you lose weight and naturally shed fat faster.

I recommend picking up a Vitamin D3 (1000 to 2000 IU) + a B12 (500-to 1000 mcg). These are two nutrients that you will most often have to supplement on any plant-based diet.

For more on supplements, check out:

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The Beet’s Plant-Based Diet Expert Tip 4: Plan “Fun” Days, But Keep It In Check. Mon, 06 Jul 2020 16:00:13 +0000 We know that dieting is easier during the week and a little harder on weekends. That’s why we built in some wiggle room, so you can be stricter on yourself...

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We know that dieting is easier during the week and a little harder on weekends. That’s why we built in some wiggle room, so you can be stricter on yourself on weekdays and let out the leash a bit for social events like a Friday dinner, Saturday picnic or Sunday BBQ.

Plan “Fun” Days, But Keep It In Check. And remember: consistency wins. If every time there is a birthday or holiday or occasion you take it upon yourself to “go for it,” you can undo all the hard work you’ve already put in.

A study on obesity found that losing weight and keeping it off depends on changing the way you eat and sticking with it, daily, and not drastically losing weight quickly since it will make you want to cheat more. For long-term loss stay consistent and eat healthily day after day.

For ways to keep it in check, check out:

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The Beet’s Plant-Based Diet Expert Tip 5: Ditch the Devices and Screens During Meals Mon, 06 Jul 2020 15:00:04 +0000 We all have a tendency to stay glued to technology, all the time, even when we’re eating. Even turning on the TV can make us think: Time to eat! But...

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We all have a tendency to stay glued to technology, all the time, even when we’re eating. Even turning on the TV can make us think: Time to eat! But of course, that isn’t true.

Watching a show, movie, or the news while we’re eating leads us to focus on what’s happening on the screen rather than the food we are eating. Try to eat attentively during every meal to cut down on overeating or snacking.

A study found that mindful eating influences how much you eat during and between meals. The more you are aware of your meals, the more you will enjoy every bite and feel satisfied after meals. Make your technology-free.

For ways to avoid overeating, check out:

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The Beet’s Plant-Based Diet Expert Tip 6: De-Stress Any Chance You Get to Let Go of Fat Mon, 06 Jul 2020 14:00:32 +0000 For some people going for a walk in nature helps their stress levels, or taking a luxurious bubble bath. Other people unwind over reality TV or reading a good book. Whatever...

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For some people going for a walk in nature helps their stress levels, or taking a luxurious bubble bath. Other people unwind over reality TV or reading a good book. Whatever makes you laugh, breathe deeply, and relax will lower your stress hormones and help your body let go of stubborn fat.

The ancient fight-or-flight response means that stress signals the brain’s hormones to hold onto fat, in case you need fuel to fight for your own survival. Unwind this process by meditating, breathing deeply twice a day and focus on positive thoughts.

To sidestep stress, take a quiet moment to reassure yourself that you are safe: “Life is good, everything is going to be okay.”

For tips on dealing with stress, check out:

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The Beet’s Plant-Based Diet, Expert Tip 7: Limit Processed Foods Mon, 06 Jul 2020 13:00:56 +0000 Stay away from processed foods because they are filled with sodium, sugar, hydrogenated fats and preservatives. They can also be loaded with chemicals, such as food coloring, and have been...

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Stay away from processed foods because they are filled with sodium, sugar, hydrogenated fats and preservatives. They can also be loaded with chemicals, such as food coloring, and have been engineered to make you eat more.

A recent study found that participants who loaded up on processed foods ate an average of 500 more calories a day than those who stuck to whole foods, which will keep you fuller longer because they’re packed with nutrients that fill you up, like protein and fiber.

For more on limiting processed foods, check out:

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The Beet’s Plant-Based Diet Expert Tip 8: Have Fun With It and Don’t Feel Deprived Mon, 06 Jul 2020 12:00:57 +0000 If you’re having fun, chances are you are going to be successful. This is true at work and sports and dieting too. Make the 14 days a fun project that...

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If you’re having fun, chances are you are going to be successful. This is true at work and sports and dieting too. Make the 14 days a fun project that you truly enjoy from start to finish, and your success will be amplified.

How to do that? Share your photos of your meals with us, and share your small triumphs and challenges with your community. Sign up and join The Beet’s Plant-Based Diet page on our Facebook account. Make it a party when you’re cooking.

This doesn’t have to be a gloomy and un-enjoyable process. Everyone wants to eat healthily, and sharing the recipes is a way of spreading the word about this new plan.

For even more fun and enjoyment, enlist a pal or a group, even your group chat. Tell your friends to try it. Hashtag #VegStartDiet and let others know how doable this diet is!

For more ways to have fun with it, check out:

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The Beet’s Plant-Based Diet Tip 9: Listen to Your Body and Practice Mindful Eating Mon, 06 Jul 2020 11:00:12 +0000 When you practice mindful eating, before you reach for food, first assess if you are truly hungry or bored or stressed or upset over something. Ask yourself: What do I...

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When you practice mindful eating, before you reach for food, first assess if you are truly hungry or bored or stressed or upset over something. Ask yourself: What do I really want? A new job? A more loving relationship? It may have nothing to do with hunger.

If you’re bored, go for a walk, stretch your muscles, or listen to a podcast. Can’t stay away from the fridge or snack cabinet? Prepare yourself a satisfying snack from the VegStart Diet for a little energy jolt. Look for a new activity. Soon you’ll get out of the habit of using food to prop up your mood.

For more on your body on a plant-based diet, check out:

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The Beet’s Plant-Based Diet Tip 10: Add Movement Every Day and Try New Ones Mon, 06 Jul 2020 10:00:11 +0000 I hope you’re already aiming for 10,000 steps a day. Taking an early morning walk or after-dinner stroll is a great way to destress and burn calories. But the fun...

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I hope you’re already aiming for 10,000 steps a day. Taking an early morning walk or after-dinner stroll is a great way to destress and burn calories. But the fun thing about trying a new diet is to challenge yourself to reach a loftier goal, so why not add in trying a new type of movement too?

So here’s the goal: Add movement every day and try new ones. Make it something you don’t do often or have never tried. Maybe that’s a HIIT workout (High-Intensity Interval Training) which burns an insane amount of calories or starting a running program, which also burns fat fast. Trying something new and energizing is the name of the game!

For ways to add movement, check out: 

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