The Game Changers Shows Elite Athletes Going Plant-Based and Crushing It
When we first heard about The Game Changers documentary, produced by James Cameron, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Jackie Chan, we were intrigued. It promises to answer the question of whether you can get enough protein on a plant-based diet to fuel the athletic body, perform at your highest levels, and win.
The male vegan athlete is a growing breed and in this movie, everyone from NBA star Chris Paul to Australian Sprinter Morgan Mitchell shows off high-performance bodies and tells how going plant-based not only changed but improved their performance.
Editor's Note: Since first publishing this piece, The Game Changers became the best-selling documentary ever on iTunes. We recommend it, especially for anyone who says: But I'm an athlete! How can I get my protein if I don't eat meat? Rotten Tomatoes gave it four and a half stars while the audience liked it more, with a 99 percent approval rating.
You'll see Tennessee Titans who eat plant-based thanks to chef Charity Morgan, wife of former Titan Star Derrick Morgan, who cooks for about a dozen players a day. You'll wonder at how the body-builders amass such enormous girth and firefighters managed to save lives all on what looks to be "rabbit food" by some people's estimation.
No one exemplifies this plant-based winning life more than Novak Djokovic, another of the film's producers. He credits his dietary changeover some years ago as the reason for his winning performance at Wimbledon and has since explained that ridding his diet of sugar, animal products, and other elements helped him recover faster, move quicker on the court and have more energy overall. He does not call himself a vegan and many of the athletes self define as either plant-based or mostly plant-based, so the movie is not a one-track journey toward vegan lifestyle, but an 'inconvenient truth" for the those in the population who think it's impossible to be an athlete, or seriously active, and get heir nutrients and protein primarily from plants.
The Game Changers puts to rest any question of whether or not you can get enough protein on a plant-based diet to perform at your best. The filmmaker, James Wilks, takes us on his journey to understand the connection between food, performance and specific protein sources on the body. We watch as he interviews the "strongest man alive" and collegiate and professional athletes, World-Class runners, an Olympic cyclist, fighters, football players and then tells his own journey to health and recovery from injury. The movie is a must-see for anyone who believes, as we once did, that being an athlete means you need protein from animals to fuel the toned, fit, strong, fast body. Not true. This movie proves it.
The Game Changers is available for viewing on iTunes and other outlets as of October 1.
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