Plant-Based Diet Reversed Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes, New Study Finds
The diet consists predominately of beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables.
The NFI Protocol
The 7,000-word publication addresses whether NFI is better than other plant-based diets for curing type 2 Diabetes: "An important part will also be to compare the results of the NFI diet and the usual dietary regimens recommended for type 2 diabetic patients, including PBDs (vegetarian, vegan).
The study represents the first of many publications on the effects of the NFI Protocol on type 2 diabetic patients. It is believed the results could be submitted to bigger journals later in the year, including Diabetes Care and The Lancet.
Slovakia's leading media outlet PRAVDA recently published an article about the early results (a teaser for which can be seen here) titled 'Is This The End Of Type 2 Diabetes In Slovakia?'.
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